Remarks for Dr. Dick Volz Festschrift Yu Zhang and Dianxiang Xu (Read by Philip Coleman, former undergraduate researcher of Yu Zhang and current Texas A&M graduate student.) Due to a previous commitment we regret that we can not join you to honor Dr. Dick Volz for this joyous occasion. Dr. Volz is the former PhD advisor for Yu Zhang and colleague of Dianxiang Xu. He is one of our favorite people and the finest professor of our generation. For years, his advice and direction has helped us establish ourselves in our profession in academia and we in turn are passing this on to our students, the next generation. Congratulations Dr. Volz and thank you for all that you have given to countless students. We'd like to close with a Chinese proverb: "The peach and the plum do not speak, yet a path is worn beneath them for their attractive flowers." It means that a man of sincerity gains admiration and respect! Best wishes, Yu Zhang, a former PhD student and now an assistant professor in Trinity University and Dianxiang Xu, a former research associate and now an associate professor in the Dakota State University