Parasol Compilers: Hybrid Analysis
Hybrid Analysis: How it Works
Hybrid Data Dependence Analysis

Hybrid Data Dependence Analysis (HDA) takes as input a dependence equation Dependence Set = Φ, where Dependence Set is expressed as a Uniform Set of References. It extracts equivalent predicates that can be easily evaluated at run-time based on:

The evaluation of these predicates takes place at run-time as soon as their input values become available. They are organized in a cascade of simple (e.g. comparisons) to complex (e.g. interprocedural inspectors or speculation validation) tests. Library routines such as interval overlap tests handle known patterns efficiently, while reference-based tests provide a fallback when a predicate could not be extracted.

Data Structures Algorithms

Publications and Presentations

Silvius Rus, Lawrence Rauchwerger, "Hybrid Dependence Analysis for Automatic Parallelization," Technical Report, TR05-013, Parasol Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, Nov 2005.
Technical Report(ps, pdf, ppt, abstract)

HA: How It Works

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