Your Personal Webpage

Your Personal Webpage

  1. Access Parasol Website
    1. In order to access the Parasollab web site, your SSH key will need to be recognized by the server. Please send your SSH key to your graduate mentor so that they can register it.
    2. From your terminal, clone a local copy of the website: 'git clone'
    3. Access the People folder: 'cd public_html/people'
    4. If you don't have a profile picture on the people page, add it to the '/people/pictures' folder. Note that the image should have a 3X4 aspect ratio.
    5. If you already have a personal website, skip the next step
  2. Create Your Profile
    • If you do not have a personal website:
      1. Create a folder named after your net ID
      2. Copy the template index file to your folder, then go to your folder, and rename it index.php
      3. Type vim index.php to begin a VIM session with your webpage (you can use any other text editor).
      4. What you will see initially is a standard template, with some php variables containing information about you. You will need to fill in this information.
      5. Navigate down the page until you reach the <p> tag. This is where you can start making your changes.
      6. If you are using the VIM editor, you can press i to enter Insert mode and begin editing.
      7. Type a short sentence about yourself (you can type more later) and then press the Esc key to exit Insert mode.
      8. Type :wq to save your changes and exit the VIM session.
  3. Post Your Profile
    1. Open 'people_listing.php' and find your appropriate listing (faculty, phd student, etc...). Follow the example of other listings in the file to create your own.
    2. To see your changes on Parasol People Webpage, you need to push them to the server.
      1. From the terminal, update your repository with any new changes from the server: Type git pull
      2. Stage the changes that you would like to commit: Type git add <File name>
      3. Commit the changes: Type git commit -m '<Insert a message here summarizing your changes>'
      4. Push the committed changes to the server: Type git push origin master
      5. Congratulations! You have successfully pushed your webpage is live!