Planning Motion Among Moving Objects
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In this paper we present a heuristic approach to planning in an uncertain environment with moving obstacles. Our approach assumes that the robot has no knowledge of the future trajectory of the moving objects. Our framework also distinguishes between two types of moving objects:hard and soft objects in the environment. We distinguish between the two types of objects in the environment as varying application domains could allow for some collision between moving objects.

A test environment showing different aspects considered in our planning framework. These aspects include (a) a robot, (b) soft objects (other agents), (c) hard objects, (d) a global-dynamic roadmap and (e) kinodynamic local plans.

We propose a two stage approach to planning in uncertain environments. The first stage maintains information about the global connectivity of the environment. In this stage of planning, only hard objects are considered. Global connectivity is approximated using a global dynamic roadmap which is updated as the environment changes. As a result, approximate global paths can be extracted from the global dynamic roadmap that is free of hard objects. The second stage uses a global path extracted from the dynamic roadmap to locally plan in the environment. These kinodyanmic local plans take into account the soft objects, or neighboring other agents, to find safe plans. The local paths are also updated as the environment changes.

Number Of Agents:    0151020
Number Of Agents:    051020
Number Of Agents:    24681015

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