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Views are the STAPL equivalent of STL iterators in the sense that they provide a generic mechanism to access the data of the pContainers. Views emphasize processing data ranges over accessing single items. Each View may be partitioned into subviews hierarchically and this allow to adjust the degree of parallelism to the application needs and nested parallelsm. Views provide iterators to the data items to access single pContainer elements. The partition of the data and the iteration order of the elements may be independent from the physical data distribution, thus allowing easier specification of the parallel algorithms.

Related Publications

The STAPL pView, Antal Buss, Adam Fidel, Harshvardhan, Timmie Smith, Gabriel Tanase, Nathan Thomas, Xiabing Xu, Mauro Bianco, Nancy M. Amato, Lawrence Rauchwerger, Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), pp. 261-275, Houston, Texas, USA, Oct 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19595-2_18
Keywords: Parallel Containers, Parallel Programming, STAPL
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author=\"Buss, Antal
and Fidel, Adam
and Harshvardhan
and Smith, Timmie
and Tanase, Gabriel
and Thomas, Nathan
and Xu, Xiabing
and Bianco, Mauro
and Amato, Nancy M.
and Rauchwerger, Lawrence\",
editor=\"Cooper, Keith
and Mellor-Crummey, John
and Sarkar, Vivek\",
title=\"The STAPL pView\",
booktitle=\"Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing\",
publisher=\"Springer Berlin Heidelberg\",
address=\"Berlin, Heidelberg\",
abstract=\"The Standard Template Adaptive Parallel Library (STAPL) is a C++ parallel programming library that provides a collection of distributed data structures (pContainers) and parallel algorithms (pAlgorithms) and a generic methodology for extending them to provide customized functionality. STAPL algorithms are written in terms of pViews, which provide a generic access interface to pContainer data by abstracting common data structure concepts. Briefly, pViews allow the same pContainer to present multiple interfaces, e.g., enabling the same pMatrix to be `viewed\' (or used) as a row-major or column-major matrix, or even as a vector. In this paper, we describe the staplpView concept and its properties. pViews generalize the iterator concept and enable parallelism by providing random access to, and an ADT for, collections of elements. We illustrate how pViews provide support for managing the tradeoff between expressivity and performance and examine the performance overhead incurred when using pViews.\",


The Standard Template Adaptive Parallel Library (STAPL) is a C++ parallel programming library that provides a collection of distributed data structures (pContainers) and parallel algorithms (pAlgorithms) and a generic methodology for extending them to provide customized functionality. STAPL algorithms are written in terms of pViews, which provide a generic access interface to pContainer data by abstracting common data structure concepts. Briefly, pViews allow the same pContainer to present multiple interfaces, e.g., enabling the same pMatrix to be ‘viewed’ (or used) as a row-major or column-major matrix, or even as a vector. In this paper, we describe the stapl pView concept and its properties. pViews generalize the iterator concept and enable parallelism by providing random access to, and an ADT for, collections of elements. We illustrate how pViews provide support for managing the tradeoff between expressivity and performance and examine the performance overhead incurred when using pViews.