Benchmarks for Geometric Decomposition Algorithms | Parasol Lab

The models contained on this page represent our attempt to try to start a collection of benchmark problems that can be used to compare various 2 and 3 dimensional decomposition problems. As such, these models are available for public, non-commercial use provided that appropriate reference is made to the source/creator of the model. Also, if you have any models that you could contribute to this effort, please let us know and we will be happy to post them on this page.

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Fish Eye

"Fish eye" is a polygonal model composed of one external boundary and three hole boundaries.

Nazca Heron

Nazca lines are mysterious drawings found in southwest Peru. These lines have lengths ranging from several meters to kilometers and can only be recognized by viewing them from the air. Nazca Heron is one of the Nazca lines.

Nazca Monkey

Nazca lines are mysterious drawings found in southwest Peru. These lines have lengths ranging from several meters to kilometers and can only be recognized by viewing them from the air. Nazca Monkey is one of the Nazca lines with a spiral tail.


"Neurons" is a polygonal model composed of seveal inter-connected neurons. It has 18 holes.