Our Algorithms At Work
Related Projects:  Robot Task and Motion Planning    Integrated Task and Motion Planning    Collaborative Industrial Robots    Interconnect Routing    Robots on the (Mobile) Edge and in the Hybrid Cloud    Assembly/Disassembly Sequencing    Navigation & Localization    Computational Biology    Parasol Planning Library - PPL    Motion Planning Benchmarks | Parasol Lab  
Our research group has collaborated with other groups to apply task and motion planning to several multidisciplinary research projects. We have used our algorithms in real-world applications to plan for the motion of Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGV), robotic manipulators, and insect-scale robots that can jump and glide. We have applied our algorithms to enable efficient and real-time multi-robot task allocation to use robots to automate manufacturing workstations. We have applied our algorithms outside of traditional robotics, including computer aided design (CAD), AR/VR and even problems in computational biology, including modeling protein folding and pharmaceutical drug design.

Collaborative Industrial Robots

Our group participates in two research projects aiming to integrate robots in industrial settings to perform various tasks.

Interconnect Routing

We find ways to compute paths for interconnects in complex systems.

Robots on the (Mobile) Edge and in the Hybrid Cloud

In this project with IBM, we are exploring how to rethink robot task and motion planning in environments with access to hybrid cloud and mobile edge resources.

Assembly/Disassembly Sequencing

(Dis)assembly sequence planning identifies physically viable plans to (dis)assemble an assembly of parts. It is also used in end-of-life product design to verify the future ability to disassemble the product for recycling or repairs.

Navigation & Localization

We explore different tasks for mobile robots, such as navigation, localization and coverage

Computational Biology

Our group is investigating applications of sampling-based motion planning methods to protein folding, ligand binding (i.e., drug docking, which arises in drug design), RNA folding, and neuroscience.

Parasol Planning Library - PPL

GitHub repository for the Parasol Planning Library - PPL.

Motion Planning Benchmarks | Parasol Lab

A source of models useful for testing motion planning algorithms